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Showing posts from October, 2018

Who am I?

Today is the day I decided to not allow fear to rule my life. Today is the day I decided to make a change, not for just today, but forever. Today I walk in my true identity. I say that because the bible says God did not give us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and of a sound mind. Me writing and starting a blog has always been a dream of mine, but fear always crept in and paralyzed me from going forward. Tonight at this moment at this very second I decided not to let fear rule in my life. I decided not to hide, but move forward and live out one of my dreams and that's becoming a writer. The more I type I realize how much I allowed doubt overshadow so much in every aspect of my life. I'm slowly but surely finding my Identity, and on this road, I've found that my Identity is in God. The closer I get to him the more I discover about myself. I come to pose a question to the human race? Who am I? One of the biggest battles we have in life is knowing who we truly are?