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Find Confidence in knowing who you are!!!!!


In Ecclesiastes, Solomon said, "I returned and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. Life is not about beginning things, rather, it’s about finishing them. The Bible says time and chance happen to us all, meaning opportunity takes place in our lifespan, but for some, we lack the confidence to run after it. We allow fear and doubt to rob us from great opportunities and purpose. In this period in time, one of the leading attributes the people of God are lacking is true courage. Where does courage come from? A good example of a man of great courage is King David. If it had not been for David’s faith in God, he wouldn’t have had the courage to challenge Goliath. David found courage in recognizing that God is all-powerful (omnipotent); he discovered courage in knowing God is faithful. David found courage in knowing God is merciful and righteous; David found heroism in perceiving God was a protector and way maker; he got courage in knowing he was a son of a king, a royal priesthood. David knew who God was, and who he himself was. 

  For many years, I’ve searched for alternatives to decrease the fear I dealt with daily. I prayed, fasted, pleaded with God on numerous occasions because fear had developed into a disease in my life. It was spreading throughout every area of my way of life like wildfire. I allowed various circumstances in my life to cause me to lose confidence in myself so fear prevailed in my life. I researched for ways to escape fear and learned that I couldn’t because without fear courage does not exist. At this point, I was puzzled and began to feel like I was imprisoned by fear until I learned how to operate in the opposite of fear by having unwavering faith in God. My Pastor did a series that says if you can learn how to walk in the spirit, you can live in the spirit, and it changed my life forever. One of the fruits of the spirit is faith. Every day, I'm trying to put faith to work in my life.

  Courage is not something that is self-generated. It is produced by faith, whether it is in God or something else. You can't do away with fear, but you can master it with courage, and we can build that by trusting and knowing who we are in God. Bravery is a product of fear; when you are afraid it gives birth to courage. When you are going to obey God, expect to be afraid because God's assignments will always frighten you, but it brings courage to your life. Trust your hopes and not your fears. Always remember, hope wipes out your fears. Don't be afraid of the future. God can turn your failures into a testimony. He can turn your mess into a miracle. Don't let shame rob you of your fame. Have confidence and go forward in life knowing who you are.  As long as you are living a life pleasing to God, you're under his divine protection. Keep the faith and don't doubt him. If God is for us then who can stand against us? 

A few ways to find your confidence!!!!

  1. Know your purpose.
  2. Know your potential (whatever you were born to do is built in you).
  3. Knowledge of your resources.
  4. Knowledge of your source (God).
  5. Know your value (where you are doesn't change who you are).
  6. Know your abilities.
  7. Know your uniqueness (don't be afraid to be different).

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

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  1. Thanks for this article. I was once lived a life full of fears and what ifs. Whenever fear attacks me, I just keep on reminding myself who God is. God is bigger than my fears, so there is no reason for me to be afraid because I have Jesus in me. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world!

  2. Well I thank God that my post was helpful. I pray God continue to move in your life and your faith and courage strengthens. Glory be to God!!!!


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