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I am the image of God

Today I want to take you on a journey back to the beginning of time starting with Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. When God created Adam he created him in his image and likeness. The word image can be translated in Hebrew into Shadow, representation of a substance, shade, resemblance, an illusion. Which means God gave us his features when he created Man. That's why we can hear, see, and smell because they are all things that God can do. Although image and likeness are the same they are yet different. When God made us in his likeness it means that he gave us his characteristics and his qualities such as Love, wisdom, dominion, and power. God did something so awesome and so amazing that man is still trying to replicate in the earth today and still haven't been able to do.

  When God created man, He did it from his heart. He took attributes of Himself and brought forth something so amazing: mankind. We are a manifestation of God’s love;
 we were his finest creation. Why is that? Out of all his creation, we are most like him. In man, God breathed his Spirit into his nostril and was well pleased in what had manifested before him. You can only imagine the sense of accomplishment God had when he created Adam and Eve. It is the same feeling a parent experiences when they hold their baby in their arms for the first time. With God, love is greater than any love we've ever experienced from man. His love is unconditional, unfiltered, pure, and out of this world. Although we have a father on earth, we also have a father in heaven. Just like we have traits of our earthly father we have traits of our heavenly father as well. Joy and peace don’t come from man it comes from God. When you are experiencing peace in the middle of a storm or situation, it is from God. When you have joy in your life no matter what’s happening, it is from God. And when love still leaps in your heart at the most tragic times in your life, it is from God.

   We truly begin to live when we find out who God is because when we discover who God is, we find out who we are. Remember how proud we get when we see our children achieve greatness? God feels the same way about us when we achieve and accomplish greatness; God's heart smiles. Why? Because he is our Father. When our children go through in life or fall short it grieves our hearts. God feels the same way; his heart grieves as well because he is our Father. Natural parenting comes from within. Yes, there are some things we learn along the road, but love, kindness, gentleness, nourishment, and being protective comes naturally because we are created to reflect the true nature of God in the earth. 

  It wasn’t until Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden that man became wicked. Before then they didn't have to pray and fast, because they lived in the presences of God. They were pure and blameless before the king. They took upon the true nature and beauty of God. We were created in the same capacity that's why we feel unfulfilled, frustrated, and hollowed. Its something in us that yearns to reach that place again. This place is not our home, and our spirit wants to return to that place it was first originated. Even though we are born in a world of sin and our flesh is naturally wicked, our spirits still belong to God. We still have his traits, it's just now we have to learn how to access and maintain them. When Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, they dwelled in the secret place of the most high. However, since their fall from grace, in order to obtain the presence of God, we have to maintain righteousness by being saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Spirit. To walk in the true nature of God, we have to live in the presence of God where we inhabit all the fruits of the spirit and agape love which is God's love. The more we dwell in God's presence, the more we start to look like him, talk like him, and truly take on his likeness and image.

  When the devil was in heaven, he was one of God's mightiest angels. He served in the presence of God. The Lord used Lucifer the angel to deliver messages from the throne room to the other angels. He served in God's presence so often that he recognized he sounded like God. One day, he saw his reflection and didn’t see himself but saw an impression of God because he was that close to him. He thought of himself as God because to him he saw no difference. Lucifer wasn’t wrong to see God reflected in himself; how he handled it was his downfall. He became prideful and rebelled against God. He led a third of the angels out of heaven. If you stick around an individual long enough, you mimic their behavior. Our job is to display Christ in the earth. Lucifer fell short when he thought himself equal to God. Jesus was the manifestation of God in the earth; He stated when you have seen me you have seen the father. Christ declared he doesn’t count himself as equal to the father. Paul stated in his letter to the church of Philippi (2:6-8)  who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

  When God blew his breath into man he became 1 being of 3 elements. God himself is made up as 3 elements which is a trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We are made up in a trinity of Spirit, Body, and Soul. When God created man he literally manifested himself into the earth. I pray you received something from this message. This is only part 1. My next message will focus on the 3 elements of our make up mind, body, and soul. Have a Blessed Day.

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