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What Is Your Brain(flesh) Telling You?

Mark 10:27 Looking at them, Jesus said, “With people [as far as it depends on them] it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God.”  Jesus was teaching the disciples that what is impossible with men is possible with God. Every day there is a fight going on with your spirit and your flesh(brain). That is why the bible tells us to deny ourselves daily. Your brain is designed to keep you alive. The brain is like the autocorrect function on your phone. When faced with a situation, your brain automatically responds with what's been programmed within it. When you go to school, what you are learning is being programmed within your mind. This also includes life lessons, teachings from a parent, social media, readings, and other sources. One example is when you get burned by fire it automatically alerts the brain that the fire is hot. So, from then on out, every time you get around a fire, an alert goes off in your brain that sends a message to your body to watch out. 


  We trigger that part of the brain often, and that makes it practically impossible to be creative or step out of the box, or produce something unique, or effective. It affects some things we genuinely want to achieve in life. When we are creative, it is considered working outside of the territory of the brain’s comfortability. The brain then moves into “auto-correct”. Therefore, it is very important to have faith because it provides hope to reach beyond your comfort zone. Auto-correct typically takes place when you get excited about something and, shortly afterward, your brain kicks in and creates images of life experiences; fears; your lack of knowledge on whatever it is you are seeking to achieve; past failures; or lack of resources which raise doubt. Now you just went from being totally astounded to feeling discouraged and hesitant. This is your brain sending you into a comfort zone. This is where excuses kick in and you begin to feel overwhelmed, and this is followed by procrastination. Although people link procrastination to laziness, it is actually what you would call a stress reliever; it allows you to escape your present situation, plans, and responsibility at that moment. It brings you to a place of comfortability, and what gives you comfortability can eventually overwhelm you.  

  We have to start rewiring the process. We have to make the extraordinary ordinary. If you can make the extraordinary a part of your everyday life, then your brain will eventually begin to believe you. Start making declarations over your life. The bible says life and death lie in the power of your tongue. Start telling yourself, "I am Great, I am prosperous, I am successful!" Then, believe it. Now instead of your brain protecting you, it will begin to support you. Celebrate all your wins and accomplishments no matter how big or small they may be. The more excited you get the more certain chemicals are released into your brain and it helps you stay in a creative mode. 

  Your brain can't experience the Glory of God, but your spirit can. If we let the mind of God enter into our lives it pushes out the things we would naturally do in our flesh. That is why it is so important to read your bible, and pray and take on the mind on God. The most important organ of your body is naturally wicked. Which one are you feeding the most, the spirit or the body? If we feed our spirit more, then our spirit will control our way of thinking and living. If we feed our flesh more with things and cares of this world then it will dominate your way of thinking and living. In this hour God is looking for a people who are sold out totally for him. God is looking to raise up Glory Carriers. Are you Qualified for the assignment? 

Philippians 4:13 Amplified Bible 

13 I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace.

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