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Showing posts from January, 2019

Find Confidence in knowing who you are!!!!!

   I n Ecclesiastes, Solomon said, "I returned and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. Life is not about beginning things, rather, it’s about finishing them. The Bible says time and chance happen to us all, meaning opportunity takes place in our lifespan, but for some, we lack the confidence to run after it. We allow fear and doubt to rob us from great opportunities and purpose. In this period in time, one of the leading attributes the people of God are lacking is true courage. Where does courage come from? A good example of a man of great courage is King David. If it had not been for David’s faith in God, he wouldn’t have had the courage to challenge Goliath. David found courage in recognizing that God is all-powerful (omnipotent); he discovered courage in knowing God is faithful. Dav

So Will I (Do It Again) - Cross Worship feat. Osby Berry

This song blessed my life it expressed my love for God in a way I didn’t know How. Since  I’ve been saved,  I’ve admired God’s creation. I see God in everything around me and; I marveled at the beauty of his creations. I was breathtaking by the revelation of all creation worshiping God. The song says if all creation worship you “so will I”.  When I look at the storm, the wind, and the rain I see God  in the midst of  it:  in such a way,  I couldn’t explain. It was like God was present. When the wind blew a peace comes over me, and I feel his love and his presence. It feels like an out-of-body experience I yielded to his presence, and such a feeling of worship fell on me and I bowed before his presences. The song says if the “ocean roars your greatness so will I”. “If the wind goes where you send it so will I”.  “If the stars are made  to worship so will I”. Adonai, I surrender my all to you. I cry out to you with everything inside  of  me I Love you, God, I honor you God in al