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ls God calling you to a Consecration?

What if God is calling you to a consecration? It is so important for us to consecrate ourselves because it keeps us blameless and presentable before God. Consecration means to make Holy or dedicated to a higher purpose. In Exodus 22:31, God commands the nation of Isarel to "be a Holy people", to set themselves apart for devotion and worship to the one and only true God. That hasn't changed now that we are under the blood of Jesus Christ. Even though we are under grace, Jesus has commanded us to be Holy as his Father is Holy!

Start your consecration off by dedicating your heart to God.  To consecrate yourself is to answer God's call to spiritual consecration. This means making a conscious, willing decision to dedicate your soul, mind, heart, and body to God.   Remember all the things He has done for you and everything you know Him to be.  Ask God what's on His heart daily. He is searching for someone who will listen and obey. Consecrating yourself puts you in the position to do just that. It opens up your mind and spirit to receive God and worship God on a greater and deeper level. Worship ushers you into the presence of God. It gives you access to the throne room.

Secondly, remove all idols and distractions. You have to get rid of anything that separates you from Elohim or pulls you out of his presence. When the children of Israel crossed over into the promised land, they found other nations worshipping false Gods and idols, just like the world does today. 

God has called us to a new place, but we associate ourselves and surround ourselves with people who serve false Gods and idols. The heart is naturally wicked and it has it owns hunger and desire that wants to be fed with the things of this world. Your spirit also has to be fed with things that are satisfying to God. You have to build your spirit up with fasting, praying, reading the word, and practicing and living the fruit of the spirit. 

We have to keep our spirit strong. If we don't, then our flesh will rule us.  This gives the enemy an opportunity to run rampant in our lives. Your spirit is like a ship. If you don't steer it properly, it will get out of control, and, eventually, shipwreck. Take a sheet of paper and write the things you put before God. Be honest! On the same sheet of paper, write down what distracts you. Again, be Honest! Afterwards, remove the things in your life that distract you, and begin to put God First.

Third, we have to repent for our sinful nature and attitude. Repentance means to ask for forgiveness and never return to that act of sin. When you begin to repent, you have to truly confess and pour your heart out to God without holding back. If you repent for your sin and never turn back to that sin, you are purifying your heart. Because of that, you are beginning to walk in righteousness.

"Psalms 32:5
 I acknowledged my sin to You,
And my iniquity I have not hidden.
I said, ‘‘I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,’’ And You forgave the iniquity of my sin.”

Last but not least: commitment. You have to be willing to stay committed to God throughout your consecration. What are you willing to sacrifice to keep your commitment? Sometimes committing yourself to God can cause separation from the things you hold dear. When you consecrate yourself to God, a bond is established. Your relationship and your holiness will be tested, but because you are connected to the ultimate power source, you have the ability to overcome anything. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Your commitment will keep you in the presences of God, and it will keep your faith strong in the Lord. 


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