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Showing posts from April, 2019

Am I Bitter?

 Have you ever felt burnt out trying to live a life that's pleasing to God? Maybe find yourself wanting to get away from everyone and everything? Or maybe you're tired of trying to hold on to your salvation and, have grown weary in well doing? Well! My answer is yes to all 3. I begun to feel burnt out and grew tired of my everyday routine. The church became more of a burden and less than a place of worship. I became less inclined to praise God. I stop talking to God on the regular. I was in such a slump. I truly felt like I didn't know what to say at that point in time.  I stopped reading the Bible regularly because I was so distracted, by how I was feeling (which was a Disconnect from life and God) until I couldn't focus. I felt so unfulfilled. I spent countless days and nights trying to fill a void and emptiness I didn't understand.     I tried to fill my emptiness with social media, games and youtube videos. I start feeling on edge like a ticking time