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Why Do We Worry?


Why do we worry? The reason we worry is because we have no peace. We become focused and zoned in on our situation and what's happening around us. Many people find confidence and stability in their possessions! One of the main reasons people worry is because they are obsessed with control and ownership. They feel that until they own a thing or have it in their possession, they don't have security. They feel that if certain things aren't happening, then their lives are falling apart. So they worry and seek comfort. God can assure us that it is on the way, but you don't find comfort until it's in your reach. We begin seeking comfort in all sorts of ways. Through binge eating, binging on social media, binging on Netflix, obsessively playing video games, alcoholism, drug abuse and doing things we later regret! Another reason why people worry is because of shame.

We are living now in the world of social media where validation is everything. You have to have a certain look, you have to drive a certain car, you have to live in a certain type of house. If not, you are considered invalid by society, which brings on worry and anxiety. Worrying never adds anything to your life. It only takes. It brings stress, bad habits, and health problems. Such as overeating, not eating enough, isolation, anger, anxiety, and some serious mental health issues, even heart attacks!

So what do we do about worrying? When we learn how to hand over our worries to God, it dissipates in our lives. How do we hand it over to God? By rejoicing no matter what our situation may be! Why is this hard to do? One, because it's easier to complain than it is to rejoice. And two, because we lose control of the situation by handing it over to God! This brings up another issue: faith! Did you know where there is worry, faith can not rest in your heart? It is the reason why worry is overtaking your life! Worry has a way of consuming every area of your life and leaving you feeling trapped. It has a way of making everything in your life feel heavy. You become stressed, drained and disgusted by everything around you. The days begin to blend together and the weight of your problems begins to affect your work, relationships, your household, and your relationship with God! So if you are not careful, it can cause depression! That's when you know worry, stress and disbelief have consumed your life, which was the enemy's plan all along!

The devil wanted to create an atmosphere of disbelief in your life so it can become hard for God to reach you! He creates a dark atmosphere so he can have access to certain areas in your life, like your marriage/relationship, your children, your job/career, your finances, your focus, and your purpose so he can take captivity over your mind! He knows if he can over take your mind, he can gain control over your life! He knows your mind is what is most like God. This is why it becomes hard to pray. Now you have two enemies fighting you: one the devil and two yourself! Your body becomes heavy because of the weight stress brings into your life that's why it becomes hard to push yourself and move forward!

When you do decide to pray and rejoice, it feels like God doesn't hear you! But what I have learned is that you have to be consistent in pursuing all things concerning Jesus! Praise even when you don't feel like praising! Pray even when you don't feel like praying. What I've learned to do is pray scriptures because God responds to His word. There's a blessing in your pressing! "Rejoice in the Lord always, again I said rejoice" (Phil 4:4). The more you push forward in praise and worship, the more that dark atmosphere begins to shatter like a glass ceiling! An overwhelming peace and joy comes with knowing Jesus is with you. That will change your life forever! Every area of your life begins to change because your faith and confidence is restored in knowing Jesus is able to do above and beyond anything you could ever ask for.

One thing I've learned lately is to demand your day every morning! Wake up rejoicing and showing gratitude to the most high God. Start by saying this is the day that the lord has made, so I will rejoice and be glad in it! Set decrees over your day like I declare I will have joy no matter what comes my way! I declare God's will be perfected in my life on today. I declare any attack formed against me on today shall not prosper. I declare Jesus keeps my mind in perfect peace today. When we begin to focus on God's goodness, it casts out worry. A heart of gratitude can heal the body and restore your spirit. Every time you begin to worry or fear, immediately rejoice! If you have to sing praises, sing! If you have to shout, then shout! If you have to dance, then dance! King David had such a heart of praise until he danced out of his clothes! Just express your praise to the Lord with what comes natural to you. Never worry about how your situation is going to turn out. Walk in faith and confidence, knowing the God you serve will intervene.


Jesus is forever present. We just sometimes lose sight of that. My prayer for you on today is that Jesus open your eyes so you may see him and your ears so that you may hear him! I pray he sends guidance through the holy spirit, which in turn, will guide you through all truth. I pray the enemy you see today, you no longer have to deal with, ever. I pray whatever is threatening your relationship with Jesus is bound to the the pits of hell from whence it came in Jesus' name!!


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