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Showing posts from July, 2023

Don't look back

    This is a message for someone who is considering returning to a place from which God has delivered them! In Genesis, it talks about two angels who went to Abraham and informed him that they were on their way to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah due to God's judgment upon the cities because of homosexuality and sexual perversion! Abraham pleaded for the safety of his nephew Lot and his family, and the angels granted Abraham's request.  When the angels arrived at the city, they encountered the men of Sodom who insisted that the angels stay with them because Sodom was a dangerous place for them. When the men saw Lot taking the angels back to his house, they attacked Lot in an attempt to reach the angels. The Bible states that they surrounded the house, as every man in the city desired to engage in intimate relations with the angels.  The angels warned Lot that they were about to destroy everyone in the city, so he should gather his family and leave without looking back. If anyone

Seeking Wisdom?

"If you are seeking wisdom, study King Solomon. 1 Kings chapter 3 gives you instructions on how to do so! First, you have to have a genuine love for God. Second, you must have a sincere desire to bless others. God was so moved by Solomon's heart and sacrifice that He appeared to Solomon in a dream and asked what he wanted. Solomon, acknowledging his youth and lack of knowledge, asked for an understanding mind and a hearing heart, which is often interpreted as a request for wisdom and knowledge. Solomon recognized that his thinking level wasn't sufficient for the position of king. He admitted his lack of wisdom and need for direction. Sometimes, we need to admit our limitations so that God can help us.  The Bible says that it pleased God when Solomon didn't ask for wealth or the lives of his enemies, but instead genuinely desired wisdom to lead his people in the right direction. In order to obtain wisdom, you must have a passion to be a blessing to others. There must be