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Seeking Wisdom?

"If you are seeking wisdom, study King
Solomon. 1 Kings chapter 3 gives you instructions on how to do so! First, you have to have a genuine love for God. Second, you must have a sincere desire to bless others. God was so moved by Solomon's heart and sacrifice that He appeared to Solomon in a dream and asked what he wanted. Solomon, acknowledging his youth and lack of knowledge, asked for an understanding mind and a hearing heart, which is often interpreted as a request for wisdom and knowledge. Solomon recognized that his thinking level wasn't sufficient for the position of king. He admitted his lack of wisdom and need for direction. Sometimes, we need to admit our limitations so that God can help us. 

The Bible says that it pleased God when Solomon didn't ask for wealth or the lives of his enemies, but instead genuinely desired wisdom to lead his people in the right direction. In order to obtain wisdom, you must have a passion to be a blessing to others. There must be fire and determination in your heart if you want the spirit of wisdom to elevate you in ministry, business, relationships, politics, and every area of your life. 

The third condition to access wisdom is through sacrifice. Solomon's sacrifice of 1000 burnt offerings moved God so much that He Himself appeared in a dream, instead of sending the messenger angel Gabriel. What are you willing to sacrifice to get God's attention? Psalm 50:5 says that there is a level of sacrifice that automatically becomes a covenant with God. There is a level of passion and hunger that helps you encounter the Father. Your sacrifice and humbleness draw the presence of the Lord. I hope this helps. God bless!"


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